I often waiver between whether these people know exactly what they are doing to emotionally manipulate, OR the fact that they are drawn to emotion-centric liberal ideologies is due to lack a self-awareness, and they genuinely don't pick up on their own hypocrisy.. Maybe a little column "A", little column "B"...
I think for the loyal pawns like him it's probably more like 80/20 B/A. I think for the politicians, media leaders, the clintons et al., it's morel ike 90/10 A/B.
I often waiver between whether these people know exactly what they are doing to emotionally manipulate, OR the fact that they are drawn to emotion-centric liberal ideologies is due to lack a self-awareness, and they genuinely don't pick up on their own hypocrisy.. Maybe a little column "A", little column "B"...
I think for the loyal pawns like him it's probably more like 80/20 B/A. I think for the politicians, media leaders, the clintons et al., it's morel ike 90/10 A/B.