Not really. She flew all over the world ... a lot ... it gave her plenty of time to hop online and influence people. It wasn't like she was "moderating" as if it were a job ... it was about silencing people on the 7th largest news aggregator in the world (i.e. the worldnews group she moderated). Deleting opinion to influence others is pretty easy.
Moreover, this is exactly how the communists and other degenerate white liberals took over the media. It wasn't like the media was normal the one day, then full of deranged white liberals the next ... they each did their part bit-by-bit. She was merely winning minds and swaying opinion by deleting posts that weren't in line with her idea of a brave new world.
There are posts where she was trying to sway opinion on the age of consent. She also seemed to post anything anti-Trump as soon as it hit the news sites. Hell, her last post involved the bullshit Russia narrative.
pretty silly thinking some rich bitch is going to sit around pulling moderator shifts tho, easier to just buy people to do it
Not really. She flew all over the world ... a lot ... it gave her plenty of time to hop online and influence people. It wasn't like she was "moderating" as if it were a job ... it was about silencing people on the 7th largest news aggregator in the world (i.e. the worldnews group she moderated). Deleting opinion to influence others is pretty easy.
Moreover, this is exactly how the communists and other degenerate white liberals took over the media. It wasn't like the media was normal the one day, then full of deranged white liberals the next ... they each did their part bit-by-bit. She was merely winning minds and swaying opinion by deleting posts that weren't in line with her idea of a brave new world.
There are posts where she was trying to sway opinion on the age of consent. She also seemed to post anything anti-Trump as soon as it hit the news sites. Hell, her last post involved the bullshit Russia narrative.
The day she vanished off Reddit was right around the time she was arrested ... she has not been seen since.