5-month-old infant died within 2 days after breastfed from Pfizer covid19 vaccinated mother
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I was reading that TTP is considered pretty rare normally. But it also comes up easily if you search for TTP from Covid vaccine. Meaning there must be enough people searching that. What a sad way to die. Basically causing your blood to clot within your veins. What are people doing???
The symptoms of TPP seem to match up exactly with all the vaccine blood cloth cases I've read about.
It also seems from the wiki (I'm not a doctor) that many cases are latent and need a trigger. So it seems likely that only some people can get this reaction, but when it DOES happen it goes ballistic and deadly very quickly. Problem is there's no way of knowing who is susceptible or not.
Its so much worse than we might imagine. When the blood clots cut off the blood flow the tissue dies but its still attached so as it dies the nerves die with it. Thus you feel it die over a long period of time. Many people believe burning to death is the worst way to go. Truth is in a hot fully covering fire the nerve endings in the skin are burned up. Its hurts a lot for a very short time then you feel nothing. The nerve is destroyed.
Dying from TTP like this baby would be the opposite. It would be a long agonizing never ending painful, miserable death. The people pushing this poison should be executed in public. IMHO they should be injected with blood clotting drugs on a drip so they die the exact same way as their victims... slowly and painfully.