Are you new to Q? This is one of the few steadfast communities on the interweebs that believe everything is going according to plan. That sometime the 2020 election will be overturned and the military will take control until a new election takes place. We do NOT believe that Trump fucked up in any way. Only that he was enacting “the plan.” Bidan winning was part of the plan, so that the deepstate could be unwound under a “fake” president and that us citizens (and the world) will wake up to the absolute corruption of elites. This is not a doomer or black pill website. You’re in the wrong place if you think comments disparaging Trump will not be downvoted.
No im very familiar with Q and Im a trump supporter too. You dont have to be so sensitive, I was actually saying how he brought all of us together. When I said "fucked up" it was summarizing what that post meant. But in my opinion I do think some people should have been fired from the previous administration. If that was part of the plan then so be it. But sometimes not all plans go accordingly to how it was designed but theres always other paths to get to the same destination. We dont know everything. But I have hope and I have God so that comforts me more than anything, nothing happens without Him. I wasnt trying to be a doomer. It was my opinion on that post. Sometimes people see a post in a different light and reply accordingly. You can identify a troll and I wasnt one of them. I dont think I was being disrespectful.
You’re on the wrong website. Please see
So whats the requirements to post here?
Are you new to Q? This is one of the few steadfast communities on the interweebs that believe everything is going according to plan. That sometime the 2020 election will be overturned and the military will take control until a new election takes place. We do NOT believe that Trump fucked up in any way. Only that he was enacting “the plan.” Bidan winning was part of the plan, so that the deepstate could be unwound under a “fake” president and that us citizens (and the world) will wake up to the absolute corruption of elites. This is not a doomer or black pill website. You’re in the wrong place if you think comments disparaging Trump will not be downvoted.
No im very familiar with Q and Im a trump supporter too. You dont have to be so sensitive, I was actually saying how he brought all of us together. When I said "fucked up" it was summarizing what that post meant. But in my opinion I do think some people should have been fired from the previous administration. If that was part of the plan then so be it. But sometimes not all plans go accordingly to how it was designed but theres always other paths to get to the same destination. We dont know everything. But I have hope and I have God so that comforts me more than anything, nothing happens without Him. I wasnt trying to be a doomer. It was my opinion on that post. Sometimes people see a post in a different light and reply accordingly. You can identify a troll and I wasnt one of them. I dont think I was being disrespectful.