posted ago by splash73 ago by splash73 +21 / -1

Better late than never. Finally found time to pull some thoughts together about the Tulsa conference:

-I drove 10hrs to be there, but there were folks who came much further (one family drove from FT MYERS, FLA)

-Everyone was incredibly friendly & upbeat; met a lot of people spontaneously just walking into/out of the bldg, milling around during breaks, etc.

-Lin spoke both nights. No need to comment on his speeches since probably every first-world human has seen them by now (suffice to say they were amazing).

-Dr Simone Gold also spoke both nights, about medical tyranny & the COVID/vaccine fallacy. Very inspiring.

-Patrick Byrne also spoke both nights. Definitely not a "rabble rouser" like many of the speakers, but gave us some great history lessons.

-Most speakers were unashamed of their faith & gave what amounted to their testimony during their speech.

-Lots of prayer & singing mixed in with the speeches.

-Lin was the only speaker who mentioned Q. If I recall, he also mentioned MK Ultra, Mockingbird, & Paperclip. 3 speakers--Lin, Mike Smith, & Jim Caviezel--mentioned child trafficking; one of them (I forget who) mentioned adrenochrome. Clay Clark had a slide presentation between speakers where he brought up spirit cooking & other Satanic practices that have become so mainstream.

-Clay Clark said he organized this in only 44 DAYS. Truly an awesome event. And despite what every globalist outlet chose to publish, there was NO mask burning (Clay probably just forgot to do it).