Please read a real Bible (not a Jehovah's witness version, or whatever one you MAY have). Jesus was a fulfillment of the Law. Jews ARE God's chosen people (I'm not Jewish), whether you like it or not. Here's just one verse on the matter, there are many others, and it's not even isolated verses that are the most significant, it is the ENTIRE Biblical story, from Genesis to Revelation, that is most significant: Romans 11:1-36
I agree that Jews were God's "chosen" people because they were the most misguided and in desperate need of Jesus Christ showing them that Christianity is the One True Path to Salvation, rather than fucking around with mutilating babies or the pagan bird blood rituals of Leviticus.
I agree that Jesus Christ was sent to permanently fulfill and permanently invalidate the Jew's scripture that is well establish to NOT BE a path to salvation.
I agree that Jesus wasn't interested in changing a jot or dot of the Jew's misguided religion that DIDN'T lead to salvation but instead was sent to replace it.
Jews fail to meet the lowest, minimum requirement for Salvation as well as earning one of the most horrific reputations for cannibalism and the spiritual bankruptcy of power and materialism. We can learn much from the Jews about how not to be Saved.
If you agree than leave a down-vote and then run away.
Just because there have been evil Jews throughout history, does not make all Jews evil. By that standard, all Swedes are evil, all Germans are evil, etc., etc. See my post regarding the prodigal son.
Who are the synagogue of Satan, who call themselves Jews but are not Jews? That is in Revelations. Does it refer to Ashkenazi converts? Were the real People of Judah and Israel blue-eyed white people who were forced out of the Holy Land and relocated to Western Europe?
I question your Biblical knowledge when you refer to the book of Revelation, as "Revelations"; that 's usually a sign of someone who has never read the Bible, but who reads what others, who probably haven't read it either, have to say about the Bible.
You can correct my idiomatic reference to "Revelations," which is a common if incorrect reference to the last chapter of the New Testament but you can't tell me who the Synagogue of Satan is? Why not?
My best guess is that Talmudic Jews are the synagogue of Satan. It would seem that anyone who follows the laws of the Talmud is, by his own choice, a sworn enemy of all Christians everywhere always. Or am I mistaken?
It is VERY clear that the Jewish nation, as a distinct race of humans, was created by God. Yes, they ultimately failed in maintaining the covenant with God, but just as the prodigal son was loved by his father, despite him leaving and debasing himself, his father welcomed him back when he repented. God loves his people, the Jews, and is waiting for their repentance, which some have (known as Messianic Jews).
Please read a real Bible (not a Jehovah's witness version, or whatever one you MAY have). Jesus was a fulfillment of the Law. Jews ARE God's chosen people (I'm not Jewish), whether you like it or not. Here's just one verse on the matter, there are many others, and it's not even isolated verses that are the most significant, it is the ENTIRE Biblical story, from Genesis to Revelation, that is most significant: Romans 11:1-36
I agree that Jews were God's "chosen" people because they were the most misguided and in desperate need of Jesus Christ showing them that Christianity is the One True Path to Salvation, rather than fucking around with mutilating babies or the pagan bird blood rituals of Leviticus.
I agree that Jesus Christ was sent to permanently fulfill and permanently invalidate the Jew's scripture that is well establish to NOT BE a path to salvation.
I agree that Jesus wasn't interested in changing a jot or dot of the Jew's misguided religion that DIDN'T lead to salvation but instead was sent to replace it.
Jews fail to meet the lowest, minimum requirement for Salvation as well as earning one of the most horrific reputations for cannibalism and the spiritual bankruptcy of power and materialism. We can learn much from the Jews about how not to be Saved.
If you agree than leave a down-vote and then run away.
Just because there have been evil Jews throughout history, does not make all Jews evil. By that standard, all Swedes are evil, all Germans are evil, etc., etc. See my post regarding the prodigal son.
Nobody said all Jews are evil.
We both know you are rebutting an argument that was never made in an attempt to derail this discussion.
Who are the synagogue of Satan, who call themselves Jews but are not Jews? That is in Revelations. Does it refer to Ashkenazi converts? Were the real People of Judah and Israel blue-eyed white people who were forced out of the Holy Land and relocated to Western Europe?
Ephraim = England?
Mannessah = The USA?
I question your Biblical knowledge when you refer to the book of Revelation, as "Revelations"; that 's usually a sign of someone who has never read the Bible, but who reads what others, who probably haven't read it either, have to say about the Bible.
You can correct my idiomatic reference to "Revelations," which is a common if incorrect reference to the last chapter of the New Testament but you can't tell me who the Synagogue of Satan is? Why not?
My best guess is that Talmudic Jews are the synagogue of Satan. It would seem that anyone who follows the laws of the Talmud is, by his own choice, a sworn enemy of all Christians everywhere always. Or am I mistaken?
It appears you are too hung up on hatred of Jews, rather than concentrating on love of Christ.
One typo means I have never read the Bible? Fuck that nonsense, you pedantic prig!
It is VERY clear that the Jewish nation, as a distinct race of humans, was created by God. Yes, they ultimately failed in maintaining the covenant with God, but just as the prodigal son was loved by his father, despite him leaving and debasing himself, his father welcomed him back when he repented. God loves his people, the Jews, and is waiting for their repentance, which some have (known as Messianic Jews).