Was there supposition in what I said? Obviously. I stated as much. But to deny the obvious parallels between historical accounts and current events is willful blindness.
I presented evidence of statements from the past to support my initial assertions, that was what you asked for. Instead of addressing that evidence you created a bunch of questions that really didn't have anything to do with what I said. It was from these questions, that I attempted to answer, that we deviated from discussions of evidence and into the weeds of supposition.
It is within the context of that discussion that you seemed to want to have that I attempted to show parallels with the modern world. I was hoping to give you insight into a possible deeper reason for the existence of such parallels. You chose to then ignore it and call those reasonings, which were in answer to your non-applicable questions, "baseless imaginings".
If you wish to explore evidence of my assertions, present evidence for or against. If you do not wish to do any of the work, at least ask questions that are attempts to get more evidence, and not pull the discussion into the explorations of parallels you wish to avoid.
Was there supposition in what I said? Obviously. I stated as much. But to deny the obvious parallels between historical accounts and current events is willful blindness.
I presented evidence of statements from the past to support my initial assertions, that was what you asked for. Instead of addressing that evidence you created a bunch of questions that really didn't have anything to do with what I said. It was from these questions, that I attempted to answer, that we deviated from discussions of evidence and into the weeds of supposition.
It is within the context of that discussion that you seemed to want to have that I attempted to show parallels with the modern world. I was hoping to give you insight into a possible deeper reason for the existence of such parallels. You chose to then ignore it and call those reasonings, which were in answer to your non-applicable questions, "baseless imaginings".
If you wish to explore evidence of my assertions, present evidence for or against. If you do not wish to do any of the work, at least ask questions that are attempts to get more evidence, and not pull the discussion into the explorations of parallels you wish to avoid.