Careful there. They've been smackin' each OTHER with spatulas and dildos for so long they probably have a +1 to hit. /s
But I feel ya. For curious: is 75% the ratio of conservative/liberal gun ownership? We've seen the images of the liberal side and their firearms they're as frightening to see as they are funny.
Yes? Have you been to CA? NM? TX? CO? The whole mUh BaSeD mexicans thing is a farce. Just because they're christcucks doesn't mean they're going to vote for populism. As a whole they almost entirely vote big government, open borders and a welfare state.
Sadly, this combined with the massive amount of literally retarded african immigrants and H1B indians/asians and their massive imported families means that conservatism is fighting a losing battle to demographics.
Do you truly think these people will eschew a clown world that caters to them for patriotism and a love of country?
You focus far too much on a small minority OF a minority that happens to be very vocal.
“Presumably white people will be easy to dispatch”
Come and find out, ya stupid brainwashed cunt...
(We have 75% of the guns, what’re they gonna do? Smack us with spatulas and dildos?)
Careful there. They've been smackin' each OTHER with spatulas and dildos for so long they probably have a +1 to hit. /s
But I feel ya. For curious: is 75% the ratio of conservative/liberal gun ownership? We've seen the images of the liberal side and their firearms they're as frightening to see as they are funny.
They don't need to fight you. Just outbreed you.
The party of abortion, faggots, and children sex changes is gonna out breed us? ?
Yes? Have you been to CA? NM? TX? CO? The whole mUh BaSeD mexicans thing is a farce. Just because they're christcucks doesn't mean they're going to vote for populism. As a whole they almost entirely vote big government, open borders and a welfare state.
Sadly, this combined with the massive amount of literally retarded african immigrants and H1B indians/asians and their massive imported families means that conservatism is fighting a losing battle to demographics.
Do you truly think these people will eschew a clown world that caters to them for patriotism and a love of country?
You focus far too much on a small minority OF a minority that happens to be very vocal.