Put simply, the purpose is to keep the duped masses believing that their fiat fedbux have value.
Silver has been manipulated since the 1860s after the East Indies Company (Temple BAR Crown) hooked the Chinese on heroin and got all their silver back that they used in the previous century to buy all the Chinese textiles and spices.
Silver (Platinum and theft-adjusted nominal gold) is the only asset/commodity on the planet that has consistently LOST VALUE and is below its 1980 peak.
See USDebtClock.org for 1913 price ($2.65) based on fedbux afloat vs. what today's price SHOULD BE based on fedbux afloat, which is total stated "dollars" in circulation. Right now, silver should be priced at around $5200/ounce and gold is around $37K/ounce. Quite a disparity, eh?
All the above numbers assume we're being told the truth by our benevolent leaders. If you're not inclined in that direction, then those numbers should be significantly higher.
Others believe the value, utility and heavy industrial needs for silver suggest it should be at a 1:1 parity with the price of gold. Silver has over 10,000 industrial uses. Gold, not so much. They come out of the ground at approximately 10:1 and this has been the historic value ratio up until around 1900. With gold at about $1800/ounce, that should make silver $180/ounce.
Any way you slice it, any angle of approach you take, silver has been massively on sale for over a century now.
I'm a GME ape that's had a crash course in the stock market and its machinations in the last 3 months.
It really opened my eyes to what the stock market really is, a system set in place with collusion by the SEC and DTCC to keep the elites filthy rich and the rest of us slaves to the system.
Put simply, the purpose is to keep the duped masses believing that their fiat fedbux have value.
Silver has been manipulated since the 1860s after the East Indies Company (Temple BAR Crown) hooked the Chinese on heroin and got all their silver back that they used in the previous century to buy all the Chinese textiles and spices.
Silver (Platinum and theft-adjusted nominal gold) is the only asset/commodity on the planet that has consistently LOST VALUE and is below its 1980 peak.
See USDebtClock.org for 1913 price ($2.65) based on fedbux afloat vs. what today's price SHOULD BE based on fedbux afloat, which is total stated "dollars" in circulation. Right now, silver should be priced at around $5200/ounce and gold is around $37K/ounce. Quite a disparity, eh?
All the above numbers assume we're being told the truth by our benevolent leaders. If you're not inclined in that direction, then those numbers should be significantly higher.
Others believe the value, utility and heavy industrial needs for silver suggest it should be at a 1:1 parity with the price of gold. Silver has over 10,000 industrial uses. Gold, not so much. They come out of the ground at approximately 10:1 and this has been the historic value ratio up until around 1900. With gold at about $1800/ounce, that should make silver $180/ounce.
Any way you slice it, any angle of approach you take, silver has been massively on sale for over a century now.
Dominion has entered the chat
I'm a GME ape that's had a crash course in the stock market and its machinations in the last 3 months.
It really opened my eyes to what the stock market really is, a system set in place with collusion by the SEC and DTCC to keep the elites filthy rich and the rest of us slaves to the system.
Down .17, eh?
if you believe this to be true and predictable, you should be very wealthy very soon