"42 And before the day of the Lord shall come, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon be turned into blood, and the stars fall from heaven."
I have always been taught it would be a solar eclipse, though that never made much sense to me (granted that X over the Heartland certainly was interesting to me). Though if Gates is successful in darkening the sun, it would devastate crop growth & freeze more of the world. I wonder if this will be a part of the global wakeup call to pray for Jesus to return on a global scale?
Just a random thought and wanted some other opinions on it from others who see the cabal's actions being set up & the way those scriptures read.
This is a paper I haven't read of seen yet. I point many towards "The Proper Role of Government" and most tend to agree almost completely with the ideas laid out in it, and unless it is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ & the Latter Day Saints sect I sinply tell them he was a secretary of Agriculture under Eisenhower IIRC & that he had some amazing insight tmat that time that needs to be read today.
It is a great read if you haven't seen it yet. I will look up that "Secret Combinations" paper & am amazed that more Elders in the various quorums I have attended have not been too interested in the txt message Paige & Strok put out about this small thing being their own "Secret Combination" which according to the ancient people of this land claimed that was a direct blood oath/pact with Satan for power IIRC (definition as an elevator pitch).
Most just think that message by those two is weird or interesting & leave it at that. I am so glad to have a community here to understands that secret combinations (or the cabal) is real & active today in our governments.
edit: Found a link to the info-