I saw somewhere WAY back (machine) where Pence (mainly his wife) had evaded an investigation into child sex trafficking in southern Florida(?). Sorry going by memory. Also there were/are the video rants from an Indiana AIDS sufferer, can’t recall his name but he made vids until he died...claiming all kinds of horrors in Indiana political circles incl judges & cops involved in child sex trafficking, torture & murders.
Lin Wood is one of the premier Libel attorneys in the country so for him to make the kinds of accusations he's making is earth shattering. I hope Mike and Karen Pence are scared shitless.
On a side note, if people want to understand people like Pence, ACB, Kavanaugh, Hannity, Laura Ingram and other (what I would term) wolves in sheep's clothing, you have to understand the whole Jesus Society (Jesuits) organization. They are at the top of the food chain and in my opinion the most dangerous because they have so many Patriots fooled. I bet you could ask any one of the aforementioned personalities what they think about 9/11 and each one to a person would say that those of us who believe it was an inside job are a bunch of conspiracy wacko's! They will not discuss the FED and my guess is that they are all onboard with these satanic vaxx's as well.
I have always been able to tell with some degree of accuracy who was a real Patriot and who wasn't by who would openly discuss certain topics and who wouldn't. It didn't surprise me in the least that Kavanaugh, ACB, Pence, Hannity, and Laura Ingram all stabbed Trump in the back at some level during the election.
If you use Bing and search Johnheretohelp you get a ton of stuff. The video you want seems wiped from various vid channels and so is the transcript, but it may be out there somewhere. It's pretty damning of Pence, Rosenstein, and others.
I say the man's videos in question as well. He was in deep distress and they were very believable. I think he was dying of cancer if I remember correctly and has since passed...God rest his soul...
What "whistleblower" is Lin talking about? 'Fraid I haven't been following this very closely.
I saw somewhere WAY back (machine) where Pence (mainly his wife) had evaded an investigation into child sex trafficking in southern Florida(?). Sorry going by memory. Also there were/are the video rants from an Indiana AIDS sufferer, can’t recall his name but he made vids until he died...claiming all kinds of horrors in Indiana political circles incl judges & cops involved in child sex trafficking, torture & murders.
His pseudo name is Ryan Dark White, his online name is Johnheretohelp, and he once was a dirty trickster for ? ?.
I forget his name but I did look into it once and read the transcripts and it seems legit to me.
I agree fren,lawyers ask questions that they already know the answers to!
Lin Wood is one of the premier Libel attorneys in the country so for him to make the kinds of accusations he's making is earth shattering. I hope Mike and Karen Pence are scared shitless.
On a side note, if people want to understand people like Pence, ACB, Kavanaugh, Hannity, Laura Ingram and other (what I would term) wolves in sheep's clothing, you have to understand the whole Jesus Society (Jesuits) organization. They are at the top of the food chain and in my opinion the most dangerous because they have so many Patriots fooled. I bet you could ask any one of the aforementioned personalities what they think about 9/11 and each one to a person would say that those of us who believe it was an inside job are a bunch of conspiracy wacko's! They will not discuss the FED and my guess is that they are all onboard with these satanic vaxx's as well.
I have always been able to tell with some degree of accuracy who was a real Patriot and who wasn't by who would openly discuss certain topics and who wouldn't. It didn't surprise me in the least that Kavanaugh, ACB, Pence, Hannity, and Laura Ingram all stabbed Trump in the back at some level during the election.
Has Lin confirmed or denied that this is his whistleblower? It seems like he would, if it’s legit, but I haven’t heard either way.
If you use Bing and search Johnheretohelp you get a ton of stuff. The video you want seems wiped from various vid channels and so is the transcript, but it may be out there somewhere. It's pretty damning of Pence, Rosenstein, and others.
came across ta video like you described on youtube years ago...wrote it off as the ramblings of a crazzy. dont know if crazzy anymore.
I say the man's videos in question as well. He was in deep distress and they were very believable. I think he was dying of cancer if I remember correctly and has since passed...God rest his soul...
Hmmm. ok thanks.
There was also the deposition that was leaked a couple months back.