So I'm from Maryland and decide to sale and move in the south where he have more people who still believe in America and who want to be free. Any idea where to move ? I have 2 kids so I want them to be free and safe.
Looking for a small town community, free from storm and where they don't give you shit if you don't have a mask and safe for my kids.
Looking around South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee ,Alabama , Mississippi or Arkansas ... I don't know...
Any one from those state how can leave free and safely ?
Thank you
Wait till the great reset and then decide. It’s gonna be much better all over the world.
I know you said 'south', but I think the Dakotas or Wyoming are the place to be. look at the indictment map...not many cases in the upper midwest.
think the deep-state reptiles try to avoid the cold weather.
Can confirm I've lived in Wyoming cold as heck and windy.
Pretty area though.
Use wisdom in deciding where to go. I live in a small, southern town in western NC and the Yankees are buying up property here so fast you can’t get a moving company until mid June. Californians are paying cash over the phone, sight unseen. Blows my flipping mind. Husband and I decided to go bigger since the grandkids head count keeps adding up. Could’ve sold our home for at the least 180 grand more. Then couldn’t find a house to move to because the crazy bitch who owns the house we wanted and were promised backed out last minute. We got lucky and found a place high up, hard to get to, plenty of good well water and lots of game, deer plentiful as are rabbits. Also a private lake stocked with some of the best stripers I’ve ever eaten. Between the two of us we could take out a bus load with backup vehicles before they ever made it to our hilltop. Be careful
Jackson County GA. Far enough North of Atlanta where you can walk into the county tax assessor, tag office and no government employee there has a mask on. Smallish town feel yet close enough to go to major places like Mall of Georgia for "city things." Lake Lanier isn't too far away and schools are ok. It's in Doug Collins district. Cost of living isn't too bad either in my opinion.
Georgia? Ground zero of political corruption of 2020? I toured there in 2017 and told my wife, not sure why, but I don’t like this state. Love Savannha, but the entire state lacks beaches considering it is a coast state. No thanks. Tell me why I am wrong?
Savannah is liberal, so is metro Atlanta. Go north, towards the mountains and get out of the area. Not everyone prefers beaches over mountains. Cities are very liberal, like every other state. But most of GA is red.
Most states are red less the cesspool cities. I agree.
I live in AR, and it's a great red state to live in.
Hmmmm, makes sense to chose based on governor or soon to be governor.
arkansas out of that list, we live in Texas but the stench of Cal libs is starting to overpower the bbq smoke, looking to relocate in a few years when kids finish school.
Im not from the use but mu advice would be to find work you are most excited about in any of these better places hit two birds with one stone u know :)
SouthWest Missouri!!! Cheap, don’t buy the propaganda about Twister. We have big shopping areas, Casinos, trails, lakes, for all sorts and purposes. Area is Booming and people for Jobs are in Demand. Like good jobs? Yes motherfucker, Good paying Jobs! If you’re an engineer, doctor or Lawyer, you’re made. If you’re a laborer, my lord is the pay fat and the work is endless. At least keep it in the running.
Blount County Tennessee
LOVED Tennessee. Wish they had a beach though...
Eastern Tennessee. East of Knoxville
Arkansas - don't do it. Oklahoma is a great place to raise children. Incredible. Canadians say the nicest people on Earth are Oklahomans. However, the supreme court may end up giving the eastern half of OK back to the 5 civilized tribes.
Alabama - yes. Mississippi and most of Louisiana live in a separate world than the rest of the U.S. And it's beautiful. They simply don't let bullshit enter into their communities. There's a pocket in Southeast Missouri that is straight up America - but they don't like newcomers.
Tennessee - no (politics). South Carolina will always be a good ole boys network like Arkansas.
Georgia - obvious no. Florida - obvious yes. Texas outside of the 3 major cities.
Alabama may be your best bet.
I recently bought a killer home in Southern Cali. I agree with your assessment. I am hedging my bets though.
We’re supposed to work?