posted ago by Retaining_H2O ago by Retaining_H2O +97 / -1

I went to Chipotle today. A sign on the door clearly said all must wear masks. I put a mask on and walked in to stand in line. Everyone else was wearing a mask and the employees too.

I left the line and walked up to the manager and asked loudly "Do I really need to wear this stupid mask? It's hard to breathe and it can cause respiratory infection.". The manager said that I can remove my mask. ?

So I took it off and kept it in my hand where everyone can see ? it, then stood back in line. I was the only one in that restaurant not wearing a mask, and all the other customers kept looking at me. I smiled back and made sure they could see the mask in my hand. All the employees saw it too.

After I got my food, I walked back up to the manager and said loudly "Thank you for NOT forcing your customers to wear masks. We really appreciate not being forced into having breathing problems."

all the customers noticed. ?