From Dissidentprof: Why are universities pushing covid vaccination?
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this extract from The Millenium Report is saying covid symptoms are 5G.. wuhan had just switched on 5G, the cruise ships were fitted with 5G and radiation symptoms same as the flu..
Another major clue concerns the highly suspicious work being conducted at Harvard University. The activation of 5G energy grids amps up the manifestation and severity of Covid symptoms considerably which is why Harvard’s Charles M. Lieber holds the U.S. Patent for using 5G radiation to vibrate corona virus particles from preset nanotubule containers. The Chair of the Chemistry Department was arrested and indicted in June of 2020.
Chemtrail Syndrome When Chemtrail Syndrome is added to the mix, it ought to be easy to understand how the human immune system will be eventually overwhelmed. Just how many assaults can the human body take before it starts to break down, particularly for the elderly and those with serious comorbidities. See: CHEMTRAIL SYNDROME: A Global Pandemic Of Epic Proportions
This is exactly why so many folks over 70 passed after the various Covid bioterrorist attacks in the big cities. Those with multiple medical ailments and chronic health conditions affecting the respiratory system also fell prey to the incapacitating cytokine storms that are only exacerbated by constantly inhaling the toxins and contaminants found in chemtrail aerosols. The spike proteins bioengineered into Covid vaccines only add to this devastating onslaught to their immune systems.