So another traitor? Imagine my FUCKING SHOCK.. So what happens to the west? How could it come to this? Oh yea, that's right, how could i have forgotten? We started to celebrate weakness and let weak, chicken-neck men and women take power..You guy's start to understand why the world functioned the way it did when only strong men was in control? This is what happens, these people should be as far away from power possible..Corruption has always existed ofc..But it seems to me since we started to excuse weakness and let every one participate this is what happens. We cant let unpatriotic weak people be in a position of power, they have no morals and they are not prepared to give their life's for the greater good and the country. Sick of this shit.
NCSWIC. Stand up for what is good and right. Defend the helpless and vulnerable. Push back and live your life like you would as if you were free. That is all. NCSWIC. Nothing.
So another traitor? Imagine my FUCKING SHOCK.. So what happens to the west? How could it come to this? Oh yea, that's right, how could i have forgotten? We started to celebrate weakness and let weak, chicken-neck men and women take power..You guy's start to understand why the world functioned the way it did when only strong men was in control? This is what happens, these people should be as far away from power possible..Corruption has always existed ofc..But it seems to me since we started to excuse weakness and let every one participate this is what happens. We cant let unpatriotic weak people be in a position of power, they have no morals and they are not prepared to give their life's for the greater good and the country. Sick of this shit.
how do we stop them?
NCSWIC. Stand up for what is good and right. Defend the helpless and vulnerable. Push back and live your life like you would as if you were free. That is all. NCSWIC. Nothing.
Very well stated. I wrote this down to remember.