Yep! Notice how the abduction stories are all sexual (experiments) in nature. Would real ETs need to do that more than once? We know the Nephilim can be super freaky. I know a lot of people think a Star Trek future would be cool, but I'm with Jesus and am looking forward to the "eye had not seen what He's got planned for us.
Well, they are genetic experiments. They are making hybrid humans. The alleged reasons for doing this vary. But that's the goal. And the fact that they continue, suggests that they haven't succeeded in breeding their "perfect" hybrid yet.
You should read "EXTRAORDINARY CONTACT: Life Beyond Intruders" by DEBRA JORDAN-KAUBLE.
It hasn't been published yet but make a note of that title.
Yep! Notice how the abduction stories are all sexual (experiments) in nature. Would real ETs need to do that more than once? We know the Nephilim can be super freaky. I know a lot of people think a Star Trek future would be cool, but I'm with Jesus and am looking forward to the "eye had not seen what He's got planned for us.
Well, they are genetic experiments. They are making hybrid humans. The alleged reasons for doing this vary. But that's the goal. And the fact that they continue, suggests that they haven't succeeded in breeding their "perfect" hybrid yet.
You should read "EXTRAORDINARY CONTACT: Life Beyond Intruders" by DEBRA JORDAN-KAUBLE.
It hasn't been published yet but make a note of that title.