posted ago by Slechta5614 ago by Slechta5614 +75 / -0

Heavenly Father we love you so much. Thank you for this day and all the blessings and challenges that come with it. Thank you for this site, where love and light of truth shines bright. Thank you for all the many different people here, we all have different skills and talents, yet its all being used for your glory. Lift each of us up and allow us to build each other up so we becone one force of light. Thank you for sending your son Jesus Christ to die on the cross, rise from the grave, and wash away the sins of the whole world. You knew we were incapable of doing it alone, so you sent Jesus so we could have a chance at redemption. This was the greatest act of love in the history of thw world. Let each of us celebrate this act each day regarless of the callander. For each of us has a personal Christ within ready to rise and bring light to the world. Remove the blinders from those still asleep and let them humbly step into your spirit. Allow all of us to put aside our differences come together as a human race and worship our creator, father, guide, general, and God. We cant go at it alone any more we need you now more than ever. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen.

This thread is for anyone needing prayer wanting to say a prayer or just want a friend.

Please join us at 5pm PDT for 1 min of prayer for each other and the world. Also check out the sub c/christianity to learn and grow in classical Christian creeds.

Prayer Warriors and children of God. We are putting together a server on discord to grow and serve God thru prayer and fellowship. All that want to are welcome. Hope u will check it out. God bless u all. Love u https://discord.gg/C9SbxykwvT