Those not wearing a mask all the time around other people and still actively meeting with friends and family whenever they can, build up a healthy immune system, which protects them from COVID-19 and other problems like spike shedding through vaccines.
Only the completely brainwashed sheep will run into problems.
I've been doing this for a while now. Dirtying my hands, rolling around on the grass, getting exposed to as many things as possible to keep my immune system healthy. Only time I wash my hands is after going to the bathroom because gross. Been doing this since I realised all the distancing, obsessive handwashing etcis making our immune systems lax.
There's kids in Africa who climb into the sewers to fix the drains when they clog. Now THAT'S an immune system!! Lol
I compost my poop here, does that put me on par with the sewer kids?
watch that old george carlin segment about this very same topic
This is awesome, deserves its own post!
George Carlin - one of the BEST!!!!! That was spot on!! :)