Imagine losing in slow motion for 5 years and every single desperate flailing move you try backfires spectacularly blowing up in your face. Embarrassment after embarrassment...
Now you know how the deep staters are feeling right now. They are far from comfortable in this farce of an "administration" they got going on.
I'm out of popcorn...
Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming
Hold steady, frens.
I say this knowing full well that Biden is older than the Crypt Keeper but I think they're trying to hand the reins of the party over to the younger people who have grown up in their liberal teacher union ran schools and they're actually retarded. For starters many of the people in liberal schools might not be able to read or do math. The ones that actually manage to do those things are probably mediocre at best and then they are sent to colleges where they do nothing but get drunk show up the minimum required amount of times for class. I've noticed that people in college have 1 of 2 problems.
That's the real problem in the American educational system. There's no work ethic. There's no incentive to be a MENSA level scholar. People don't go to college to devote themselves to a life of hermit like study and perfection of the art, knowledge and science. They go because someone told them they might be able to make a lot of money. I've probably made more money than a college grad has and I've never made more than $15.25 and hour.
This whole unionized teacher baby sitting weak willed adults strategy is coming back to bite the dems in the ass big time. The smart kids pick up useful skills early and the smart ones that actually went to school become republicans. That leaves people like AOC. That'll be another issue they'll have. They'll basically have all of these foreigners' children's run through their shitty poorly ran schools and it'll just make their problems worse. It'll basically create a whole generation of ungrateful and intentionally illiterate grown ass babies. The ones that manage to get out of college will become the new army of morally bankrupt yes men the left loves. They'll try to fuck each other over and the party will rot from the inside out.
The Dems are starting to hand over the reins to these people for the minor everyday things and they keep botching it or intentionally gaming one another because the "latinx" hates the white neo-lib's kid. That's my opinion of it.
Yeah you seem to be on to something here. Considering most of us have come across knowledge through our own research here.
The ignorant ones will not learn and just be sheep. Now math is getting to be racist or telling someone they're wrong is offensive. Kids these days will be dumb if they don't have good parents
Well I think that's part of the reason they put up Biden as the candidate. Pelosi, Schumer and him are the last of the Neo-Lib leaders eligible to run for anything unless I'm missing someone. Maybe Wolf and some other governor somewhere. Everyone else is completely ineligible to run and they can't give up their steady (for them) House leadership to someone like AOC. She'll fuck their whole delicate ecosystem up. The Squad would ram so much retarded shit through Congress that it'll wreck the Dems completely. They probably want that and Pelosi knows it.
Their power block is shifting to either their kids or to the immigrant power block. The neo-lib kids are unambitious and the immigrant power block is incapable. The neo-libs' kids are eventually going to be outnumbered by the immigrants and both of them hate each other. The immigrant AOC/Squad block of the party will probably look for ways to oust the neo-libs. There is no loyalty among them. The irony is that the neo-lib power block is responsible for making the immigrants this stupid. As a result they'll continue to adopt retarded policies that backfire on them. The immigrants have caused the party to go full on totalitarian. That's the only way they'll keep power. By cutting the throats of their traitors.