i am wondering what effect if any depopulation will have on money-base and economy. the fed is printing a crap load of new money which is inflationary, we are already seeing all this in asset prices and commodity prices going up as well as crypto going up.
but depopulation is certainly deflationary as all debts of the dead are wiped out (M2 vanishes) and economy crashes because everyone is dead.
so not sure what they are trying to do, but it likely means elites get more power, money and control through both these maneuvers.
i am wondering what effect if any depopulation will have on money-base and economy. the fed is printing a crap load of new money which is inflationary, we are already seeing all this in asset prices and commodity prices going up as well as crypto going up. but depopulation is certainly deflationary as all debts of the dead are wiped out (M2 vanishes) and economy crashes because everyone is dead.
so not sure what they are trying to do, but it likely means elites get more power, money and control through both these maneuvers.