We are watching a chess match play out where whitehats have already taken the enemy queen, king, and rooks off the chess board first. We are literally just watching the rest of the pieces get taken out as if there is still a chance left in the game.
Can you give a brief description of what PLG is? I've heard the term but don't know. Thank you.
some kind of tech that can show you the outcomes based on all possible inputs
Oh, I see. Thanks.
A lot of people tend to think of it as some super duper high tech machine bordering on being magical, but in my opinion based off a lot of different things I've seen and read, its just a highly advanced AI like the other person said gives you a result based off of an input. One day the bad guys put in an input and didn't get the result they were looking for so they hired a guy to solve the issue and he couldn't figure it out, the result was that we win.
We win, lol. :D
I'm not even making that part up haha they literally hired a specialist to solve a problem with the algorithm and every result came up with the good guys winning.
Yup. God wins.