Super old post to comment on but don’t you think that a collective effort to not vote by a large group of people will for sure change things? Seems kind of ignorant to say that our vote doesn’t count but we should keep doing it... but hey I’m the crazy one!!! That’s what people keep telling me, even though I’m always right! What people don’t do is come back and tell me I was right, but my skin is thick and I think what I think because I have thought about it for years.
ie I had been advocating for voting for liberals or democrats to oust John MCCain in my home state of Arizona since the early 2000’s, nobody would listen and called me crazy... they kept voting him in... who is crazy now? I have been fighting against the Obama joke since 2006 when he showed up on the stage... Clinton’s since 96... I’m only 41...
The only way I will vote again will be if they fix the issues, if not, I will rally support behind not voting because it is worthless at this point... we are currently in a Banana Republic... it’s all a joke
When you boycott a product or company, they lose money and notice. That's why those boycotts work. If you boycott voting, you just give up and lose the election. The other team isn't going to miss you not voting and feel bad for you. They're going to laugh that they didn't even have to cheat to win for once, and fear no audits. In the case of voting, you need the opposite of a boycott. You need to get so many voters that it becomes almost impossible to cheat. This is what happened in 2016 where they were 99% sure Hillary would win, but didn't because of Donald's way higher than expected turn out. The massive turnout overwhelmed their normal cheating strategy. This forced them to become more desperate to cheat in 2020, where it was completely obvious they did due to even higher turn out for Donald. If Donald didn't get the turnout he did, you wouldn't have noticed all of the irregularities that are being used to greenlight audits. It's obvious that they cheated, and majority of the country knows it. That's why they are so scared of the audits.
That is the best explanation I have heard concerning my viewpoint on not voting. I might just register Democrat then and vote in the primaries to get the incumbent out then vote for the Republican in the actual election... If my no vote doesn't matter I might as well mess up their polls and predictions! And rally others to do the same!
That's a good idea and something everyone should be doing, in theory. If you can't get your guy elected, especially in some counties that always vote a certain way forever, then at least try to influence their guy to be someone you like. Not all dems are evil just like plenty of RINOs are. If it has to be a dem, try to get a good one.
Super old post to comment on but don’t you think that a collective effort to not vote by a large group of people will for sure change things? Seems kind of ignorant to say that our vote doesn’t count but we should keep doing it... but hey I’m the crazy one!!! That’s what people keep telling me, even though I’m always right! What people don’t do is come back and tell me I was right, but my skin is thick and I think what I think because I have thought about it for years.
ie I had been advocating for voting for liberals or democrats to oust John MCCain in my home state of Arizona since the early 2000’s, nobody would listen and called me crazy... they kept voting him in... who is crazy now? I have been fighting against the Obama joke since 2006 when he showed up on the stage... Clinton’s since 96... I’m only 41...
The only way I will vote again will be if they fix the issues, if not, I will rally support behind not voting because it is worthless at this point... we are currently in a Banana Republic... it’s all a joke
When you boycott a product or company, they lose money and notice. That's why those boycotts work. If you boycott voting, you just give up and lose the election. The other team isn't going to miss you not voting and feel bad for you. They're going to laugh that they didn't even have to cheat to win for once, and fear no audits. In the case of voting, you need the opposite of a boycott. You need to get so many voters that it becomes almost impossible to cheat. This is what happened in 2016 where they were 99% sure Hillary would win, but didn't because of Donald's way higher than expected turn out. The massive turnout overwhelmed their normal cheating strategy. This forced them to become more desperate to cheat in 2020, where it was completely obvious they did due to even higher turn out for Donald. If Donald didn't get the turnout he did, you wouldn't have noticed all of the irregularities that are being used to greenlight audits. It's obvious that they cheated, and majority of the country knows it. That's why they are so scared of the audits.
That is the best explanation I have heard concerning my viewpoint on not voting. I might just register Democrat then and vote in the primaries to get the incumbent out then vote for the Republican in the actual election... If my no vote doesn't matter I might as well mess up their polls and predictions! And rally others to do the same!
That's a good idea and something everyone should be doing, in theory. If you can't get your guy elected, especially in some counties that always vote a certain way forever, then at least try to influence their guy to be someone you like. Not all dems are evil just like plenty of RINOs are. If it has to be a dem, try to get a good one.