Suggestions needed: Ex-wife is Crazy Liberal & will wants to vaccinate our children. I have 50% legal custody so technically she's not allowed to make medical decisions without me. However, no supermarket covid clinic is going to question her if she takes them.
If this community doesn't come up with a good idea I'm going to have lawyer draft a document on my behalf reminder her of my rights as a 50% legal guardian. I was hoping the community might know of a lawyer's office that may have already drafted a letter similar to the frontline md doctors letter to employers who might be mandating the vaccine.
Your fren.
Beat her to the punch.
If you have any friends who are in the medical community (doctor, nurses, etc...) that will do you a favor, then ask them to inject your kids with a saline solution and record it as having given them the Covid-19 "vaccine".
YOU bring your kids to them for the Covid "vaccine". Once they have the 1st "shot"... then it's your obligation to bring them in for the follow-up "shot" in a few weeks.
No other doctor or clinic will interfere with that process. Once the child has the first "vaccine"... it's YOUR job to bring them in to the same site for the 2nd. She can't.
That cuts her out of the decision, gets your kids completely off the hook of having the experimental "vaccine", provides "proof" to any school that might require it... and saves you money on a lawyer.
There are enough doctors or nurses that don't agree with forced experimental vaccination on kids that you may find someone that will do it.
love the idea but good luck getting someone to allow you to video them sticking an needle in a child
i hope there is a wave of docs willing to do this, would solve a big problem for us divorced parents with an ignorant ex
No need to video. The vax comes with a saline bottle and a "vax" bottle. They are supposed to stick the needle in both, and fill the syringe to the appropriate level of each. Afterwards, they dispose of the bottles.
The kids won't know the difference. Neither will the clinic. Just have the nurse (or doctor) fill the syringe with just the saline solution, give the injection.. and then throw both bottles away like normal.
Then they can record the vaccination, give you the CDC Proof of Vaccination card... and it's done. There is no need to video. The kid thinks they've been vaxed (so will inform the ex that they have been)... they have a card saying they've been vaxed... so they are safe for at least another year. No clinic will double-dose a kid that they believe has already had the vax.
Meanwhile, if all sorts of medical problems begin surfacing for vaccinated people... you can always inform the kids later that YOU saved them from that fate.
Dang, that’ll work