Fraud, perpetrated globally, by sophisticated software programs, which has led to mass worldwide suffering; covered up by a worldwide pandemic used to steal the US election in order to enslave mankind under a one world government under globalist elite rule, when proven at any point, will start off a chain reaction that will be biblical. Fraud is the best first dominoe as it makes you start to question and reject everything else. Can you feel it? AZ, Antrum...yeah baby!
Comments (17)
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Loving the energy with this post!
Its 9.15 pm in the UK, its cold and drizzling here and there's the faint sound of a car alarm going off for the last 3 hours but in my living room with you guys, the sun is shining. I really feel the warmth of the truth finally reaching into the gloom.
All eyes on Arizona, show the world! Rub their faces in it, lets see how they twist and turn - can't wait!!! Yeah baby!!!!
They won't be able to walk down the street when their knees are broken, and not a moment sooner.
Fraud vitiates everything!
Wait till they get to the "top dude /master mind" behind this reset/cov/nwo...and no one to arrest! ...fooled by AI !!! bahahaha <dang robots>
Someone set the AI in motion and the Rothschilds have been manipulating humanity for centuries.
trudat ... The bloodlines are ancient...literally as old as history. Often referred to as "Archon Bloodlines" as "archon" means "ruler". Archon also referrers to entities in service of the demiurge (evil re-tard). They are neither man nor beast asexual or hermaphrodite, ...evil "jailers of human spirit". Still true today. AI from the beginning. I think it was King Solomon commented on trans-humanism, didn't he?
Rothschilds and such are only middle to upper management. 3 or 4 lines even older and running the show.
when trump won..they screamed voter fraud...
ever wonder why hillary didnt request an audit of the ballots...let that sink in
Wow, I realized that before, but seeing it in that context, in this thread, that's a winning meme, my fren.
Even better, fraud is the gateway concept that will awaken the woke masses! Many (sadly not all, but many) will start to question their programming when confronted with irrefutable proof of the deep state's election duplicity.
Once the questioning commences, it's only a matter of time before the deep state's other atrocities are given their due consideration by the public.
Fraud was how they maintained the illusion that the majority agreed with their degeneracy and corruption. Most leftists I meet (even the nice ones) have given into the idea that the default nature of humans is evil. That we must be controlled by government because the individual human can't be trusted to take care of society and the world.
You see how the elite perpetuate that idea even among conservatives? How heartbreaking was it for us to think the majority of Americans voted in scumbags like Obama?
They use fraud and other tools to take away our trust in basic human decency. They then find anyway they can to divide us. Their latest method is to create the idea the COVID shot population is bigger than the unvaccinated and then try to segregate us based on that. The idea that vaccinated are more numerous pressures more to one to join the majority. It is human nature to want to be on the perceived winning side.
''Fraud was how they maintained the illusion that the majority agreed with their degeneracy and corruption.''
Words to remember when the flames of social justice are illuminating THEIR neighborhoods.
Most likely Obama did NOT win the election. Another article on here says that until 2,000, the Census' numbers about self-reporting voters/non-voters in elections,
were considered accurate predictors of how many people would vote.
Every election past 2,000 has had several million more votes cast than the self-reporting Census numbers indicate.
Let that sink in, anonymous reader who comes by, and sees us talking.
In every single election since 2,000 there have been MORE votes tallied than the Census self reported voter/non voter numbers, indicated there should be.
What happened in 2000? Here's a little memory jogger:
America, you haven't had an honest presidential election, since the year 2,000.
You probably didn't have one, in 2,000. Who KNOWS when the last mostly straight election was.
We know the Kennedy election was bought by Kennedy's father. So that one for sure wasn't honest, this is VERY VERY widely known.
Truman, the man they called ''The Last Honest Democrat" ?
WHO have been involved mostly with this election throwing?
What party was Kennedy? Go READ about how HIS DAD PURCHASED the ELECTION from Italian mobsters and the crooked unions of the East Coast and beyond, into the mid West.
Not sure about you, but a guy just had a hopium spike,
When this audit is complete, I feel we will see more audits to come, perhaps a couple in PA. Reminder that around 5 or 7 red states gained house seats and electoral votes.
Once any audit is complete and proves Joey B and the radical left wing democrats did cheat, they will not be walking the streets. They know what's coming for them. Gitmo and the gallows sound lovely this time of year for evil.
NCSWIC. Remember, PANIC in DC. Patriots are now in control.
We have everything, we know everything. They're living in fear because every crime they've committed is about to be exposed to the entire world.
Fraud vitiates everything. Joe Biden is NOT the President of the United States.
We know who the real President is.
Yes 100% agree. Gamestop will start a domino effect that cant be stopped no matter what they do.
Did you guys see that until 2000 the Census of self-reporting voters was considered quite accurate and that ever since then, every election has has millions more votes cast, than the Census documents are likely to vote?
There's another thread on it here somewhere, look for it and sorta cull through as you read until you get to the point about ''suddenly there were millions more people voting in every election, since.''
Remember: it was considered accurate, before 2,000.
I was looking through June deltas to see what may be coming. There's the post on the 3rd of June 2018, the one that looks like a gun when flipped upside down. It also has the booms, a week to remember, dark to light and blackout necessary. Post 1440. We'll see.