- Fox and Hannity are controlled opposition. Hannity is a clown-tard. Do not watch TV.
- If you want more of the evil, tranny agenda forced upon you, Bruce Jenner is the way to go. He has already yielded his personal life (and body) to satan.
- Jenner may demonstrate common sense and conservative values with respect to economic & political issues, but he is way out of step with most people's accepted norms (transgendering is NOT normal) and religious beliefs (God created male and female only).
- You are not transphobic if you want to restore the country to its "in God we trust" roots. God does NOT approve of transgendering. It is an abomination promoted by satan and his followers.
- Cali had better nominate a decent, God-fearing conservative for Governor FAST before this Tranny-for-Gov situation gains any more momentum. Bruce Jenner appears to be the Uniparty/cabal/MSM choice to replace Newsom.
Bruce Jenner does NOT represent Christian values. Demand better.
The MSM is already rallying behind Jenner. His first ad clearly portrays him as a mainstream conservative. He is beyond serious - he will quickly become prohibitive unless a strong alternative is put forward soon. There is big money behind Jenner. Do not dismiss him as "fringe", "not viable" or "not serious".
I guess this is their way of trying to portray Republicans as being progressive?
I loved living in CA ONLY because the landscape and national parks are truly beautiful. My love for CA stops right there. Hopefully someone good comes along.
We have TWO Satanist Cabal minions waiting being pushed BY the Cabal into the CA political arena.
MK Ultra Cabal minion Megan Markle - who is no longer allowed near the "royal" family (why? is she an assassin? is she even a she?); whose fictitious child vanished over a year ago; who has never and will never be allowed near President Trump.
Bruce Jenner, of whom the media excitedly proclaimed for a year that he was going to "become a woman" - well, he killed a woman on the road in CA and promptly declared himself to be a woman. Beta cuck to the Cabal Kardashians.
Markle is a tranny too.
I agree. Groomed since childhood. IMO the reason Markle isn't allowed around the "royals" or Trump is that Markle is well trained and lethal.