Here's what all three of these practices have in common:
- They are all practiced by the elites in our society.
- They all promote deviant and depraved sexual activity as "acceptable" and "normal".
- They all involve sodomy.
- They all destroy the family unit.
- We have been/are being brain-washed to accept these practices as "new normals" in our society. The cabal's tireless promotion has reached saturation levels! Rampant homosexuality, rainbow flags everywhere, trannies in Hollywood & politics, drag queen story time in public schools, pressure to lower age of consent, pedo symbols everywhere, love is love regardless of age, the kids "enjoy" it/it's not harmful, etc.
- All three of these practices erode and undercut our relationship with God (our creator), His Son Jesus Christ (our Saviour) and the Holy Spirit (the Comforter). We cannot serve two masters. We need to reject these practices as the sins that they are and turn back to Jesus as our salvation from sin. He is the only Way to rid us from this bondage of sin.
Repent of your sins, accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour and follow Him.
this is so wrong and divisive amongst this movement. one of my closest friends is a anti taxer, christ loving, trump voting gay man. And guess what, I love him for who he is, not what he does with his penis.
Christ is the way the truth and the light, and guess what??? The God he spoke of was NOT the god of the old testament.
Jesus said that the creator loved his creation. He came to tell his people that they were all loved, regardless of their sin. When Jesus died on the cross, who was saved that died next to him? A stone cold killer. Jesus loved this man and saw no difference between him and the people who followed him willingly. The killer understood Jesus and his message of love and that was all it took.
So i find it ironic that a "christian" man like yourself is here telling us the "evils" of homosexuality, but if christ was here, he would willingly converse, love, and be around homosexuals who loved him and also God.
How can the God Jesus spoke of be the same as the God of the Old Testament? How can God hate or abhor anything, IF IT ALL COMES FROM THE SAEM CREATOR.
Stop with this bullshit, the only thing that matter is whats in a mans heart, not what he does with his sexual life.
This is some hateful, divisive, fear mongering BS. If you were to live in love, you'd would understand what i mean.
Keep throwing your stones tho, I think maybe Jesus had something to say about that as well.....
Love the person hate the sin - quite simple. God (not me) has said sodomy is a sin.
God told you that?
The only message I adhere to is the message of love. This is the message Jesus preached. If your convictions are not based on love, but rather on a God who is vengeful and should be feared, your convictions are not surrounded by Christs teachings.
Love everything, hate nothing.
I would consider you comb through the Bible (written by man) and choose the sections that preach love for all, rather than the verses that teach us to live in a state of fear.
What about the Nicolatians? Do you think we are to hate them or love them?
Any hole's a goal mate lol.
Agreed, 100%. They want us divided, and even some of the religious are willing to divide us if they can in order to further their own agendas.
They want us divided, and I refuse to see good men and women as anything but that.