Here's what all three of these practices have in common:
- They are all practiced by the elites in our society.
- They all promote deviant and depraved sexual activity as "acceptable" and "normal".
- They all involve sodomy.
- They all destroy the family unit.
- We have been/are being brain-washed to accept these practices as "new normals" in our society. The cabal's tireless promotion has reached saturation levels! Rampant homosexuality, rainbow flags everywhere, trannies in Hollywood & politics, drag queen story time in public schools, pressure to lower age of consent, pedo symbols everywhere, love is love regardless of age, the kids "enjoy" it/it's not harmful, etc.
- All three of these practices erode and undercut our relationship with God (our creator), His Son Jesus Christ (our Saviour) and the Holy Spirit (the Comforter). We cannot serve two masters. We need to reject these practices as the sins that they are and turn back to Jesus as our salvation from sin. He is the only Way to rid us from this bondage of sin.
Repent of your sins, accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour and follow Him.
Remember when this happened a few months ago? Almost the exact same post word for word, during the whole mod crisis. We literally brought the daily prayer thread back so people could keep off topic "Christian" posts off the front page.
This stuff sickens me because I am Christian and I wish the mods would keep that stuff on This has nothing to do with Q other than, according to OP, Q once said the words "God" and "Satan".
Would they apply the same logic to black people? Because blacks tend to mostly vote democrat, and a lot them are rapists and pedophiles. Therefore we should distrust any black pede apparently.
Personally I think OP is the same dude who posted basically this exact post last time but got banned. He even recognized me by an ancient comment of mine calling myself a "gay pede" and used the same logic that "not a redditor" guy did, "but this post only got 4 downvotes therefore its not divisive because everybody agrees." only the last guy said "this post is not divisive because it only got 12 downvotes and every shill downvote is an upvote so everyone agrees". Refused to listen to the fact that virtually no post on this website gets downvoted, at least not past 1.
It might be a real pede who just loves the bible sooo much and thinks "The Bible is infallible, I believe the Bible, therefor my beliefs are infallible." but im thinking HuffPost reporter trying the same thing again. Either way it reads way to preachy (preachier than my own comment lol) and reminds me of those lefty shills on reddit who post shit like "r/mildlyinteresting: Trump bankrupted x casinos" then when they get scolded for being off topic or posting something political they say "but the place is called mildly interesting and this is mildly interesting." You know they are up to no good either because they respond to every comment with a snarky tone, like an effeminate gay guy. They are clearly there to preach and drive a narrative and don't care if they are breaking site rules, for some reason THEY MUST post there as if their desperate message isnt being heard anywhere else.
I’ll admit with you that it’s quite scary when I read these fanatic verses the OP just sent me where they are keen on putting people to death because of what two dudes do in the bedroom. There’s no common sense whatsoever in these people’s mind. They literally let a book (that has been rewritten so many times by notorious corrupted and bias figures-sometimes pedophiles in history) as the ultimate gospel to lynch and prosecute people. I trust good Christian people with common sense like you but now I can see why some gays are afraid of fanatic Christian like the OP. They are no different than the neo nazi leftists. There’s obviously an agenda to cause hate and division among the already chaotic crisis we’re having right now. There should not be any toleration to hateful rhetoric. I notice some fanatic right wings are taking advantage of the deranged leftist movement to form a destructive narrative. In my opinion, both are equally bad and need to be addressed right from the beginning. If some crazy loon is going to fix the Bible into prosecuting black people now, these loony fanatic would not feel a slick of guilt lynching an entire race of people. Scary and sickening.
Funny enough, I think the book of mormon calls black people "undecided" as in they couldn't choose heaven or hell, while white people are supposed to be the ones who picked heaven but still had to be tested on Earth still. Gee, I wonder why they don't teach that anymore lmao
It's just funny how prideful OP acts while apparently being convinced that God has a VIP seat waiting for him and people just like him, no one else. I tried to show him some verses from his infallible Bible that mention how dangerous pride is and using the Lord's name in vain or for selfish reasons but of course he "doesn't argue with homos". Either a fake christian shill to make others look bad or genuinely attaches this part of his life to his entire identity and not believing 100% the exact same thing is a mortal sin, could be either based on post history.
I know a dude irl like that, some youtube video told him that the bible says the earth is flat and that genes dont get passed down so of course me explaining how genetics works is "blasphemy" because "I believe God didnt make humans perfect the first time." You can't get past these people once they have decided a universal truth for themselves, like trying to convince a lefty that Trump supporters don't want genocide and that they hate Nazis too, they alread decided the opposite and nothing will shake them from it.