I overheard this conversation today and made me laugh. Mask user: You there! Where’s you mask? Teenager: I am scared to wear one in case I can’t breath.
Mask user: Don’t be stupid. Of course you can breath with the mask on. Fucking idiot. Teenager: So you can breath when the mask is really tight round your mouth?
Mask user: That’s right. No problem. Teenager: Then if the air can get through, how is the mask supposed to stop a virus?
After a few seconds while the mask user contemplates this response the teenager follows up: who’s the fucking idiot now then? And casually walks off ????
But the mask won't stop more than a couple of droplets, according to Fauci. Most of the droplets are actually too small to be stopped by a dozen masks.
The masks won't make much difference at all. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many people getting the virus who were religious about wearing the mask.
That "teenager argument" is actually more correct than your assertion. That's using actual science.