Was there to do some work. Girls at the front didnt have theirs on either. Police cheif, nope. No Karens around. Loved it.
Edit: then on my way home I passed a High school in a larger town, girls playing soccer in fking masks. Ruined my good morning.
I saw an entire family walking down the street earlier today after their kids got out on a half day. Not one person in the family was wearing masks and the ones that had them on were wearing them underneath their chins / hanging around their necks. I wanted to slow down and roll my window down and give them praise but I didn't want to make a scene (however positive or altruistic) in front of their four kids who looked to range from ages 5-7. It sure made my day though.
The kids would think their parents were rock stars. Just yell out, "THANK YOU FOR NOT WEARING YOUR MASKS WOOOOOOO!!!1!"
The masks outside or alone in a car bums me out too.
Man I sure feel for you guys. I live in Texas and I haven’t worn a mask anywhere for a long time. It’s about 50-50 where I live. People that wear mask don’t bother people that don’t and vice versa. This is how it should be. Restaurants are open to full capacity and many of the servers don’t even wear mask. Our schools are still a problem but other than that, it is feeling more and more normal everyday. Sure hoping things will start getting better in all the states soon.
I just passed a school and every kid had a mask on outside. Wanted to make a sign that reads: Kids in masks is child abuse!
It's 100% child abuse and it needs to stop. My kid quit soccer and going to school because of it. And i support her 100%
When I walk my dog I occasionally walk through a park where a woman's fastpitch team is practicing. All players spread out on the field wearing masks while throwing balls between players with their bare hands.
Makes no sense like pretty much all of the protocols around C19.