That's the dumbest, most cucked battered housewife response I could have imagined.
None of what you said, at any point, rebutted or answered what I said.
Muh "Power to the people". Are you really this dumb? It made the situation 10 times worse and always WAS going to. It was obvious from the outset.
The people have no power. Wait and see how the AZ audit turns out. I'm sure there's going to be a lot of upset when it gets yoinked away from us at the end of it.
You were, by someone's design, "lured" there for some purpose. What was that purpose? To walk around and enjoy a carnival atmosphere? Get real. What kinda dope are you?
Why did Trump want people there? He was the one who said "be there, will be wild". Who thought up this genius plan? It was like luring a mouse into a mouse trap. Unless there was a plan of action, then it was the dumbest thing to organize ever.
There was a purpose in asking people to come. But what was it? And who organized it and for what purpose? How did Trump get played so easily?
It smacked of a set up and for that, people deserve a clear explanation.
That's the dumbest, most cucked battered housewife response I could have imagined. None of what you said, at any point, rebutted or answered what I said.
Muh "Power to the people". Are you really this dumb? It made the situation 10 times worse and always WAS going to. It was obvious from the outset.
The people have no power. Wait and see how the AZ audit turns out. I'm sure there's going to be a lot of upset when it gets yoinked away from us at the end of it.
You were, by someone's design, "lured" there for some purpose. What was that purpose? To walk around and enjoy a carnival atmosphere? Get real. What kinda dope are you?
Why did Trump want people there? He was the one who said "be there, will be wild". Who thought up this genius plan? It was like luring a mouse into a mouse trap. Unless there was a plan of action, then it was the dumbest thing to organize ever.
There was a purpose in asking people to come. But what was it? And who organized it and for what purpose? How did Trump get played so easily? It smacked of a set up and for that, people deserve a clear explanation.