I know what you mean. My brother, despite my best efforts, succumb to the insanity because he needs to travel for work. He got shingles about a week after getting his second shot. His dermatologist told him she was seeing an increase in shingles because of the jab. I worry what he is going to face come this fall or later down the road. Well, at least he now has a medical exemption against future jabs.
I don't think so. This go around with shingles was not fun. I think he got religion over it. He really didn't want the jabs to begin with but he travels a great deal all over the country because of the work he does. So, getting the shot was more a matter of job related convenience. Now that he has a medical exemption, he might be better able to avoid any future shots. His kids are not getting them and he would not have either if not for work. I think there are a few people being pushed into that boat.
Many do not realize that this is where we have to make our stand against government and cooperate overreach while we still can. Once they completely lock us down using a credit/health scoring system, it will be too late.
Nice. But definitely not for those unwilling to do their homework. H2 water is not the same. Also, MMS must be two separate solutions that are mixed together - Sodium Chlorite and HCL activator. Any product that does not come with these two separate components is not the real deal. Haven't you noticed how the press has being going after this product lately? They spin the stories by showing a bottle of Clorox and telling the public it's bleach. Over the target and taking flak.
I know what you mean. My brother, despite my best efforts, succumb to the insanity because he needs to travel for work. He got shingles about a week after getting his second shot. His dermatologist told him she was seeing an increase in shingles because of the jab. I worry what he is going to face come this fall or later down the road. Well, at least he now has a medical exemption against future jabs.
He’s going to end up wanting the booster shots every year
I don't think so. This go around with shingles was not fun. I think he got religion over it. He really didn't want the jabs to begin with but he travels a great deal all over the country because of the work he does. So, getting the shot was more a matter of job related convenience. Now that he has a medical exemption, he might be better able to avoid any future shots. His kids are not getting them and he would not have either if not for work. I think there are a few people being pushed into that boat.
Many do not realize that this is where we have to make our stand against government and cooperate overreach while we still can. Once they completely lock us down using a credit/health scoring system, it will be too late.
Nice. But definitely not for those unwilling to do their homework. H2 water is not the same. Also, MMS must be two separate solutions that are mixed together - Sodium Chlorite and HCL activator. Any product that does not come with these two separate components is not the real deal. Haven't you noticed how the press has being going after this product lately? They spin the stories by showing a bottle of Clorox and telling the public it's bleach. Over the target and taking flak.
I've been using MMS lately. I don't like the odor and slug it down but I like what it has done. The msm is evil.
Yes, the press has been hammering this pretty heavy lately. Over the target for sure.