Unfortunately, the evidence is starting to point in the direction of a transmission of something. It is not shedding however because that involves a live attenuated virus. This is not the case with these shots. But, something is happening to people coming in contact with recently vaxed people. I personally am staying away from vaxed people until I know more. There is still so much we don't know, but what we are finding out in alarming. This is far from over and we may only be just getting started. Good luck and stay safe.
Unfortunately, the evidence is starting to point in the direction of a transmission of something. It is not shedding however because that involves a live attenuated virus. This is not the case with these shots. But, something is happening to people coming in contact with recently vaxed people. I personally am staying away from vaxed people until I know more. There is still so much we don't know, but what we are finding out in alarming. This is far from over and we may only be just getting started. Good luck and stay safe.