My friends two grown children. One is a lawyer 32, and was told by his mom who's also a lawyer, who was a nurse first, not to get the vaccine because it is still experimental and there is no reason for them as young healthy people to need one. She has shared all of the doctors' videos speaking out with her children as well.
She told her daughter too who is nursing!
Hubby had a heart stent, was told too.
They all gang up on her cuz she's always political and a former elected official. She is always a badass in the community exposing sewage dumping Etc.
She feels she has lost her whole family they have all received that Jab!
Her son in his early 30s (Vanderbilt educated lawyer) very sick immediately the first day and still sick
19 days later from the first shot! He has been on a lung steroid pack ever since for 19 days now.
Her daughter took the Jab and she is breastfeeding her infant! Tiny bodies they are and our CDC and FDA are now talking about developing a vaccine for 2 year olds and older.
Her mother asked why would you take a vaccine that's experimental while you are breastfeeding as infant's have not been included in this? Her daughter said that her pediatrician said it was okay.... (mom was a neonatal nurse before she became an attorney!) The baby developed a fever and a little cough the next day!
I asked her if I could share this and she said please do. Tucker is now beginning to talk about this.
Israel says they have more death from vaccine than covid-19 itself.
Exactly very smart kids Colombia and Vanderbilt but still dumb as a box of rocks by Design. The other factor is their father always dismissing what she has to say is anything going on around this.
Now the children say she can't see the grandchildren because she doesn't have a vaccine. I told her to tell the kids that the grandchildren cannot see her because they have a vaccine and she is protecting herself. Damn kids...