My uncle just took his second shot of Moderna, 3 days later he had massive stroke like symptoms and blood clots.
He cant move his left arm at all, he can barely move his legs, at least hes still cognative
Even worse as his symptoms where developing the hospital sent hom home because they couldnt figure out what was wrong with him!
Mind you he had some underlying conditions and obstacles at his age 50+ but who dosent at that age.
Mark my words the Covid scare will go down as one of the greatest crimes against humanity of all time.
Hospital staff is sweeping all this under the rug but the dam is about to break.
Health industry is all in this, but they're all going to be guilty by association for taking bribe money (covid money), ignorance is not a defense.
Update: He's recovering and in rehab, movement is still very limited. He's very determined however and with a little prayers and miracles he may one day walk again.
The jab is no joke people, this shit is deadly and your playing with fire. Both my parents in their 60s now regret getting their jab.
Definitely an eye opener for the family close to me.
And this is my big scare....all of a sudden I'm getting calls from my doctors to go into hospital for various surgeries. Getting calls from some "primary care group" that they could come to my house and jab me (didnt even ask if I had it or antibodies). I'm afraid that if in hospital, under anesthesia or awake, force jab me.
So sorry for your uncle. Just now said a prayer for him
Drop your doc. Find a naturopath. Natural medicine is one of the most effective red pills.
If we can't sue the vaccine companies, I think the hospitals, clinics, doctors and nurses who are giving the vaccine are not really letting the patient give informed consent. They're not talking about risks, benefits, possible side-effects including death.
On the basis of not being able to give informed consent, I think those hurt could sue.
Ooo good reminder. I’m going to send my dentist a message letting them know I’m in the control group and need to limit contact with the vaccinated. Is that Something they can facilitate? We shall see...
Who the fuck would let a dentist give them a vaccine for anything?
Maybe my plumber can repair my refrigerator too, but that's not their job so I don't want them mucking around in a place that's not their specialty.
Sorry to hear that. My parents took the J&J shot and now, after seeing my uncle they believe me lol. Little too late, but I'll take late better than never. Myself, the misses and my children will be far far away from the jab as much as possible.
I told her they'll have to kill me first before I get the jab.
holy shit. sorry fren
My mom died less than2 weeks after the shot. She had covid(supposedly) months earlier. Fuckers killed my mom for no reason.
I am so sorry about what happened to your mom prayers for comfort for you .
My mother in law has cancer and has had hear heart checked every 3 months . Her Doktyr said “cOvid iS a dEadLy diSeAsE!!!” So she got the shot. Next day she had a widowmaker heart attack. Stented in 10 mins . In the hospital- in ICU - she was pushing to get her second shot. There’s no sense fighting with people anymore. “Those convinced against their will are of the same opinion still “
Sorry to hear about your uncle - God Rest His Soul ?