Folks, if you take a look at Trump's recent statement from earlier today, look at the times he puts in the statement. That statement is clear comms.
Time in the statement were 3:42, and 6:31
Folks, get your popcorn, this movie is really starting to get my attention. POTUS has recently been ramping up the statements bashing the left and big tech, talking about the fraud. When Candace Owens asked if he would run for president, he said "I think supporters will be very pleased."
In an earlier interview when asked the same question, he said along the lines of "from a legal standpoint, I can't talk about that."
Melinda Gates runs off to a private island, to "get privacy." Is that the case or is she going to Gitmo? Ironically, the island is in the Caribbean, Cuba is also in the Caribbean. Both Bill and Melinda are going into hiding. As with other elites.
Has Tom Hanks been on Twitter lately? How about the Obamas? (Honest questions, haven't been on Twitter since they started censoring the truth).
Robert De Niro recently got a divorce. We have several links directing us to Microsoft being involved in the election.
We know Bill and Melinda are guilty of several crimes against humanity. Folks, we may not realize it, but I believe things are indeed happening behind the scenes. We just don't know about it.
I know some of you have been getting messages from T-Mobile about emergency communications. I have yet to get any of those with AT&T however, if we wander on back to January, just a few days after POTUS was removed on social media platforms, the FCC put out a reminder for EAS Compliance Obligations
I will also direct your attention to EO 13484 - Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in US Elections ( 9/12/2018)
Folks, we're no conspiracy theorists. We just notice the patterns, we notice the obvious comms in statements from POTUS, and social media posts from Dan Scavino, and Mike Pompeo. We do extensive research into things many people are either too afraid to look into or just don't care about.
We have it all. Trump was in the executive building near the WH (Eisenhower Building) on election night with several military personnel. They watched it all happen. They saw the fraud take place. In PA alone, I believe it was over 600,000 votes were flipped. They also had thousands of more absentee ballots than there were registered voters! How does that happen? I'll tell you how. FRAUD
They CHEATED and we all know it. The DS is in full panic mode right now. The radical left wing democrats are still trying to stop the AZ audit. The DOJ is trying to get involved (per US Constitution, the federal government is not to get involved in state elections), an AZ senator threatened jail time to any federal official who tries to interfere with this audit. What are the democrats so afraid of? I mean, surely if they truly did win, they wouldn't be trying so hard to stop a lawfully ordered audit.
The NH audit was finished yesterday I believe. Awaiting results. AZ will probably finish up later this month, probably won't know the results until June though. I sense multiple false flags will be coming near the end of the audit and near the release of the results. We must keep our eye on the prize. The DS will do anything to install fear in the American public but we the people have had enough of their bullshit.
It is time we finish this. ANTIFA and BLM still want to defund / abolish the police. That's fine. We can play their little games, but once the police are gone, nothing can stop what is coming their way. Nothing can stop the millions of armed patriots from defending their communities and their homes.
ANTIFA and BLM are terrorists. It's time people see them for what they are. BLM put out a list of demands. We don't take demands from terrorists. We don't negotiate with terrorists.
Fix the fraud, fix the 2020 election. We know who the President is, and it is not Joe Biden.
Save America, we save the world.
Patriots are now in control.
Enjoy this I guess you can call it hopium, and enjoy your weekend folks. Get the rest you need. We've got a country to save.
The audit in Windham, NH is scheduled to begin on Monday. However, the local patriots are trying to find a lawyer in order to halt it. The reason being that the town selectmen have decided on the three people who are to do the audit, when the law clearly states that one person is to be appointed by the people, not the town officials.