Because our government is corrupted with these secret society traitors to humanity and are just now being confronted head on. In the grand scheme of things they are doing the exact same thing they have always been doing behind closed doors.
Yup. The reason the corruption is so prevalent is because these vermin have been doing this stuff for years and if you're a weak minded, spineless lackey who only cares about keeping his job you'll go with it.
This is the first time someone's looking under the "rock" and shining a light on all the dirty things they do that they thought we'd never ever see.
Because our government is corrupted with these secret society traitors to humanity and are just now being confronted head on. In the grand scheme of things they are doing the exact same thing they have always been doing behind closed doors.
Yup. The reason the corruption is so prevalent is because these vermin have been doing this stuff for years and if you're a weak minded, spineless lackey who only cares about keeping his job you'll go with it.
This is the first time someone's looking under the "rock" and shining a light on all the dirty things they do that they thought we'd never ever see.