There's a beautiful Christian tradition that we're all assigned guardian angels. I'm sure each and every one of us is too precious to be left alone. That was probably your very own, hand picked guardian angel.
Talk to your guardian angel. He / she (they're pure spirits anyway) is probably very pleased with you now. Maybe even give him a special name known only to you. Thank your angel for setting you on that righteous path. And ask him to continue protecting you, helped by inner promptings from the Holy Spirit.
I've had quite a number of instances where I've been saved from accidents caused by my own mistakes, sometimes split second decisions where I've avoided major mishaps. So I know my guardian angel exists.
Would that we were childlike enough to repeat that nightly children's prayer to one's guardian angel!
There's a beautiful Christian tradition that we're all assigned guardian angels. I'm sure each and every one of us is too precious to be left alone. That was probably your very own, hand picked guardian angel.
Talk to your guardian angel. He / she (they're pure spirits anyway) is probably very pleased with you now. Maybe even give him a special name known only to you. Thank your angel for setting you on that righteous path. And ask him to continue protecting you, helped by inner promptings from the Holy Spirit.
I've had quite a number of instances where I've been saved from accidents caused by my own mistakes, sometimes split second decisions where I've avoided major mishaps. So I know my guardian angel exists.
Would that we were childlike enough to repeat that nightly children's prayer to one's guardian angel!