posted ago by Rickyistricky ago by Rickyistricky +18 / -1

Nothing can stop what is coming had better be HUGE and unforeseen, because the NWO have 99.99% of EVERYTHING firmly under their control. Whatever it is better be soon because the technolegy already exists for the NWO to win.

Drones and Robots have nothing but their programming to guide them, and they don't really care that most of the National Guard turned their backs as Xiden limmoed past.

The day of beating the NWO with a Dodge Ram full of rednecks with guns was over long ago. I intend to be a first time gun owner as personal protection, not because the NWO will be overcome with guns.

As the last few years have shown, the NWO has control of almost everywhere. How else could they bring the world to almost a dead stop over a flu?

We just need to look for the light threw the pouring rain....