First off, my stepfather hates Trump second only to Hitler. His words. He and my mom rushed out and got both jabs as soon as they were available. I tried to convince her to wait on the vax but she would hear nothing of it.
Today, mom and I went to brunch and she asked why I was still not getting the jab. Well...I explained the reasons and showed her a few of the websites and articles you’d expect. Halfway through my explanation she started to panic and got a little tearful and started looking things up on her own phone. It’s heartbreaking. I dropped her off at her house and I can only imagine the conversation going on with my stepfather.
If it gets to the point of her being open to preventative meassures, Omega 3 in larger than the recommended dosage(stated dosages consistently too low to have much effect).
It does thin the blood but more importantly it's a powerful anti-inflammatory so much so that it impedes blood-clotting(you need an inflammation response for blood to clot...)
Also tell her to have low dose(150-250mg) aspirin handy.
If the unthinkable happens, chew one(to get it into the blood-stream quickly) and swallow one, this have saved countless lives after strokes and blood-clots and have also prevented lasting damage for countless others...