I already knew my Mom was going to, and she couldnt be talked out of it. But my dad was the surprise. Last month he said he wouldn't, but it seems he's changed his mind so his company won't fire him, either directly or indirectly.
Sucks, but I'm still holding the line and won't be pressured into taking it.
i am not understanding why over 50s are at risk? at risk of what? covid..coronavirus sars-2 does not exist apart from lines of code dreamt up on a computer...CDC Wuhan china uk canada australia ireland etc. all admitted under FOI there is no isolate of a virus... Dr Stefan Lanka who won his case supreme court germany that there is no isolate or evidence of a virus for measles says' when cells die they are broken down into submicroscopic particles soe of which virologists label viruses'.
CDC on their website last march listed it as 'a cold'..and uk listed as 'not highly infectious'..they are saying now in uk its a cold or flu..certainly the deaths for flu were counted as 'covid'.. colds and flu are response of your body to toxins.. nothing to do with 'viruses' as they are not contagious..just a great scam for the deep state.
Lots of videos online re.germ theory v terrain..
the jabs they give are nothing to do with even what they traditionally called 'a vaccine' full of monkey kidney cells human urine and fetus human cells, formaldehyde aluminium mercury and other toxic ingredients plus 'virus' material but now these are gene therapy experimental drugs to turn us into genetically modified humans. it couldnt help 'covid' is if existed and wont help colds or flu either and no one should want to stop the body getting rid of toxins by this method.
dr reiner fuellmich with 1,000 international lawyers and 10,000 medical experts are conducting the largest class action in history re. this ww fake pandemic and also indicted CDC WHO and norway govt at ICC The Hague. It is against the nuremburg code to experiment with humans in this way..code 10..death sentence.. saying you were following orders or did not know are no excuses under the code and words to that effects were added in 1947.
lots of other countries including usa are doing this too. UK Israel and Norway were the first three.
Having survived the jab your parents are in danger of pathogenic priming and governments are aware that the hospitals will be full of people who are fully vaccinated which they will blame on a third wave..