“You aren't awake until you realize 80% of the garbage that flows around the conspiracy/truth movement is coordinated disinformation placed there by controlled opposition assets meant to control and divide you. Then you get the useful idiots who blindly believe it and share without checking. Don't let yourself get used by people who offer little value and just want you for money and clicks.”
I agree with him and I want to add that disinformation is put out there to confuse and distract us from the very real issues that we can change if we focus our attention on them.
Discussing disinformation topics like reptilians, cloning, body-doubles, adrenochrome and who has or has not already been already hung at Guantánamo distract us from very real issues like the theft of the 2020 election, voting audits and human sex trafficking.
Now, notice that I intentionally didn’t put Q on my list of possible disinformation. Although I am certain that Q was a psychological operation, I am not sure who was in charge of it and I’m not sure if it actually worked or is still working. So I’m not gonna debate anyone on this forum about Q.
In any case, if Q was a real white hat operation I’m sure it would want us focused on making sure that people were aware that voting audits are taking place.
If we can secure voting, we can take back this country.