If you haven't taken the time, are new to Q and the Great Awakening, or maybe you're just lurking around trying to figure out what's going on in this world, I urge you to look into this subject.
One area that I've found is a relatively easy path to a "red pill" is the Great Reset. Start with the car companies; how many of them are talking about going all electric by 2030?
Seems like no big deal right? WRONG! This is an absolutely ridiculous notion on several fronts.
- You're announcing future product plans to your competitors 9 years in advance.
- A real business in a truly free market makes products that are in demand in the market, not the other way around.
- Why do all car companies feel the need to announce this, and announce it for the same timetable (2030)?
Unless, perhaps, they're being fed these lines by a group of rich, powerful elites at the World Economic Forum.
It's not just car companies:
(Click the link and watch the video)
I could post hundreds of examples...look around for yourself. They're trying to convince everyone about this mystical future where everything is going to magically fall into line in 2030.
They don't want any private ownership of anything. Need something? Rent it. Need a lift? Have a government controlled autonomous electric vehicle pick you up and bring you somewhere the government approves of.
I don't believe there's all these microchip, wood, rubber, steel, etc shortages. I believe the cabal is holding back supplies to drive prices up not only for more profit for them, but to crash the economy to usher in their New World Order.
Make no mistake, Trump slowed this all down. The 2020 election must be corrected and the people's president rightfully installed. Understand the war that's being fought everyday; bigger than anyone can imagine. That is all. Question everything, learn, build relationships with the like minded. Together we are strong, divided we fall.
i have noticed on ads here in uk how often they portray black woman/white man and other way round..part of their drive to obliterate the white race.
Oh yes...happening over here in the US big time. They try to sell us on the whole equality thing by telling whites they're bad, and blacks they're good. In reality, the cabal just wants deep divisions formed so we won't pay attention. Remember, the cabal is mostly white as far as I can tell.