Not disputing the clown world transgenderism questions but men get breast cancer too, and some men (especially overweight) could benefit from mammograms. And for transgenders, taking all those hormones causes breast growth, and enhances their risk of various cancers.
Yeah I know a man in my neighborhood, a friend's husband, that had breast cancer. I just don't see why if mammograms are given to men and women, why wouldn't there just be a uniform questionnaire where you put your name, date of birth and sex. None of this "assigned at birth" crap. But everything these days is so PC and everyone is so afraid of offending such a small percentage of the population. No matter what the MSM is telling us, there are not as many transgender people as we're led to believe.
Yes, I am also disgusted. I think if I were a member of this “target group” they are using woke messaging about I would feel annoyed. Honestly I don’t get why draw so much attention to race and sexuality except to divide into groups or encourage people to obsess about themselves.
Breast cancer is a modern plague and a huge money making industry. All these foundations and fundraisers, researching for a cure, what a joke. Just like HIV, it should have been cured years ago. These industries profit off human suffering. And want a bigger explosion? Also just like HIV, breast cancer is a purely man made phenomenon... oops, now I’m a conspiracy theorist...
My mom had cervical cancer shortly after having my little sister, around 1971. Back then they did hysterectomies as a "cure". The docs put her on hormones & she got it in her head that she NEEDED those hormones.....for years. Fast forward about 35 years and she gets breast cancer, double mastectomy. It was most likely hormone induced.
I’m so sorry. We are victims of mass experimentation, slow poisoning and sickening by evil people who want to annihilate 90% of the world population. We are in a fight for our lives. Standing in solidarity with you. God bless.
Not disputing the clown world transgenderism questions but men get breast cancer too, and some men (especially overweight) could benefit from mammograms. And for transgenders, taking all those hormones causes breast growth, and enhances their risk of various cancers.
So it’s kind of sad. :(
Yeah I know a man in my neighborhood, a friend's husband, that had breast cancer. I just don't see why if mammograms are given to men and women, why wouldn't there just be a uniform questionnaire where you put your name, date of birth and sex. None of this "assigned at birth" crap. But everything these days is so PC and everyone is so afraid of offending such a small percentage of the population. No matter what the MSM is telling us, there are not as many transgender people as we're led to believe.
Yes, I am also disgusted. I think if I were a member of this “target group” they are using woke messaging about I would feel annoyed. Honestly I don’t get why draw so much attention to race and sexuality except to divide into groups or encourage people to obsess about themselves.
Breast cancer is a modern plague and a huge money making industry. All these foundations and fundraisers, researching for a cure, what a joke. Just like HIV, it should have been cured years ago. These industries profit off human suffering. And want a bigger explosion? Also just like HIV, breast cancer is a purely man made phenomenon... oops, now I’m a conspiracy theorist...
My mom had cervical cancer shortly after having my little sister, around 1971. Back then they did hysterectomies as a "cure". The docs put her on hormones & she got it in her head that she NEEDED those hormones.....for years. Fast forward about 35 years and she gets breast cancer, double mastectomy. It was most likely hormone induced.
I’m so sorry. We are victims of mass experimentation, slow poisoning and sickening by evil people who want to annihilate 90% of the world population. We are in a fight for our lives. Standing in solidarity with you. God bless.