I would like to direct your attention to all of May 10th's posts. Especially the first one that pops up. Post 4201.
Panic in DC.
Enjoy the show!
Now, lets fast forward to next Monday, May 17. Around 17 posts of WWG1WGA. But, I would like you to hook your peepers onto post 1414 (discussion)
What do you folks think Q is implying here.
Messages sent.
Get your popcorn ready, I just bought 2 big boxes today
Earlier May posts were pointing to this week as a "boom week" as well as the following week.
brief over-analysis. boom, single definition? multiple? Unknown. economic boom? term implies prosperity, rapid growth, abstractly implies alot going on? explosive boom, term implies conflict? disruption of peaceful conditions? creation of great deal of resonant noise? current events suggest accurate. Why make alot of noise? Is something quiet going on in the background? Misdirection or a smoke-screen? How to discern between the two? Unknown.
additional definitions considered, fueling boom? term implies an extendable tube used for in-flight refueling, relevant? heard in passing sharp uptick in military air traffic, worth investigating? Are mid air refueling craft up in great number? Who are they providing fuel to? Where are they operating?
also implies number of other meanings, derrick boom, long beam extending upward at an angle from the mast of a derrick, for guiding or supporting objects being moved or suspended. Relevant? Unknown.
a floating beam used to contain oil spills or to form a barrier across the mouth of a harbor or river. a movable arm over a television or movie set, carrying a microphone or camera. a spar pivoting on the after side of the mast and to which the foot of a vessel's sail is attached, allowing the angle of the sail to be changed.
naval application relevant? previous news of explosion on board fuel tanker, indirect conflict iran and US ships, warning shots fired as iranian gunboats come within 150 feet. Recall, one of ships harassed was a cruise missile submarine aka "boomer" sub, relevant? Unknown, Verification needed. Why is Iran picking fight with US navy?
relating to oil derricks and oil spills, recall, cyber attack on US oil production pipeline, emergency declaration issued in at least 17 states as result. Gas/fuel shortages across multiple states, relevant? conclusions being drawn? conclusions already exist, dots simply being connected? Unknown. purpose of cyber attack? who gains what from crippling US fuel industry?
note, difference between chaff(countermeasure) and flares(countermeasure). Chaff defeats radar weapons, flares defeat infrared weapons, relevant? Unknown. Random thought that occurred at end of analysis, read into or disregard at convenience.
BOOMSLANG ; Afrikaans word meaning tree snake. They are endemic to sub-Saharan Africa and highly venomous. I just like the word it's cool.