Vax + Mask = Clownworld, Biden is blatantly senile, UFOs are real...
Artificial lumber shortage, failing jobs market, pipeline "haX0r3" oil short, stocks and hedges battle, GME + PSLV + BTC...
Border crisis, middle east escalations, shit trade deals, retarded Exec. orders...
Massive volumes of resignations, military flight activity off the charts, military and fencing currently surrounding DC...
Myanmar example, global revolts vs. lockdowns, schoolboards flipping...
Biden Admin openly corrupt, Hunter Biden, COVID = Election Fraud = AZ + MI Audits...
Military force increased, Gitmo revamped, Trump EO's dealing w/ state of emergency + elections interference + crimes against humanity, mile long indictment list...
Yeah, Doomers and Leftists are right: NOTHING is happening?!
It's a massive parallel system:
Wake up the masses ASAP and...
Prepare the military while getting ready for the rebuilding phase.
The ENTIRE system is broken. Nothing works. The economy was tanked, informational systems ruined, lockdown precedent set, semi-forced vaccinations, war, racism and division "wag the dog" MSM campaign to fuel and cover it all up with pure hatred.
People being blatantly conditioned via fear, while being fed a steady diet of pure hate and distrust.
For those of us that realize the true scope of this evil, we grow numb to the realization that each passing day sets an even higher benchmark for pure evil.
I know this sounds extreme. But if everything we have questions & hypotheses about is remotely true and connected? Assuming Q is 100% legit (Which I personally do 100% believe)? Assuming we are witnessing the destruction of the old guard?
We are on the cusp of an infinite renaissance.
But, yeah, NOTHING is happening and we're all just crazy/dangerous racists. Clearly.
why do we need prayer? either god has already planned it out or Q has via looking glass.
I thought NCSWIS and that we have already won etc? Prayer will change nothing if so.
You are very wrong Reckoning. Prayer never hurts.
I just dont get what its supposed to do. Q says we're watching a movie and we've already won. So there's no need for prayer.
Well shit lets sell the farm!!! Q said so!!