The people most likely to refuse the vax are highly educated, read the literature, and correctly understand it.
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I feel the same way. I haven't been against most vaccines but the sudden push for HPV vaccine sent alarm bells in my mind.
Fast forward a few year later and pharmacies at local grocery stores can't give away flu vaccines for FREE.
If it is a free flu vaccine and such great benefit then why are there not lines forming up for people to obtain such great offers?
I do not think it has anything to do with complacency when it comes to flu virus. The more logical explanation is that most people can fight the flu on their own. Flu vaccine went from being targeted toward the vulnerable to now encompass even the healthy.
And now that brings us to the covid plandemic where they treat the healthy as needing to be quarantined. And the healthy needing to take the "vaxx" and then the associated "boosters who knows how long.
Remember the old adage. No such thing as a free lunch.