posted ago by LarryLambskin ago by LarryLambskin +20 / -1

"I saw in the list of questions you sent me from your American readers that many refer to the Qanon movement. I am not an expert on American domestic politics, but from what I understand the Qanon movement is a movement of conspiracy-minded Americans who believe that, in the face of a malevolent international elite, there would be a hidden and positive elite at the head of our countries who would act in the shadows on behalf of the people, so to speak.

Regardless of whether this theory is true or false, I consider all theories that encourage passivity to be harmful. If tomorrow a rumor tries to make you believe that there are people on your side and that they are going to liberate the country for you and change things while you are sitting on your couch, then it is a lie.

I say this for the French and for most other peoples: there is no group in the shadows working to defend your interests; there is no conspiracy of generals, billionaires or politicians to change things on behalf of the people. There is no such thing.

If tomorrow some generals tell you: "stay at home, we have control, we take care of everything, the country will soon be free", they are lying to you. Do exactly the opposite of what they tell you, act, do not be passive. Freedom is necessarily active, passivity is slavery. The passive man is always subjected to the will of men who act."


Like Smokey the bear said...it is up to YOU to make a difference and right the wrongs of this world. Dont expect someone else to do it for you because they dont exist. We are all just waiting around looking at eachother waiting for someone to take action. You can only control YOURSELF, so act accordingly