Ok, so he thinks Trump won't be back until 2024, and that is complete BS? What evidence do you have to support your assertion that his prediction is false? Btw, until trump comes back, there is none.
Also, you can believe different things and assign different percentages of reasonable probability to them. If you are unable to ponder 2 or more competing ideas without having to pick up a spear and fight to the death to defend one of them then you are incapable of critical thinking, and should steer clear of casting judgement on someone's statement of what they think is going on.
There's a lot of support for the whole galactic federation thing, admittedly the most outlandish, I think there is far more support for the firmament/multiple dimensions/aliens are actually demons/angels lost technology stuff but that is the former second-most outlandish idea, and it doesn't exclude galactic beings that can teleport through the firmament. The problem is the impenetrable firmament, the requirement for portals to travel through "space," and the lost tech keep being made more likely through the release of scientific papers and decades of quantum research and taboo archaeology.
Flat earth is Satanic. The bible says earth is Satan's realm and those who say we cannot leave earth are in essence saying we can never be with God in the heavens (firmament).
Ok, so he thinks Trump won't be back until 2024, and that is complete BS? What evidence do you have to support your assertion that his prediction is false? Btw, until trump comes back, there is none.
Also, you can believe different things and assign different percentages of reasonable probability to them. If you are unable to ponder 2 or more competing ideas without having to pick up a spear and fight to the death to defend one of them then you are incapable of critical thinking, and should steer clear of casting judgement on someone's statement of what they think is going on.
There's a lot of support for the whole galactic federation thing, admittedly the most outlandish, I think there is far more support for the firmament/multiple dimensions/aliens are actually demons/angels lost technology stuff but that is the former second-most outlandish idea, and it doesn't exclude galactic beings that can teleport through the firmament. The problem is the impenetrable firmament, the requirement for portals to travel through "space," and the lost tech keep being made more likely through the release of scientific papers and decades of quantum research and taboo archaeology.
Flat earth is Satanic. The bible says earth is Satan's realm and those who say we cannot leave earth are in essence saying we can never be with God in the heavens (firmament).
But we also must recognize that spiritual realms are discussed within. We cannot physically leave earth, it doesn't say our spirit cannot escape.
Satanists say we cannot leave earth.