I am very upset about my son's teacher encouraging her students to sign up to get the Covid vax. She told them where they could get it. Another student brought up a "conspiracy theory" and the teacher explained how their arm may be sore, warm to the touch.....the student then said it is like the flu shot but much more important. The teacher was all "exactly".
My son is doing remote learning this year so I am able to monitor what he is being taught. There have been other issues that border on political indoctrination but my son is smart and picks up on it fairly quickly. I have major issues with teachers encouraging children to get vaccinated. At this point, I really think home school is going to be the only option to keep my son safe.
Homeschooling was the best thing that I EVER did for our boys. When their school started implementing common core, sight reading, and doing away with text books, I was NOT happy.
They wanted to label my son as dyslexic, and put him in special education classes. It's fine if he was, but he wasn't. They began doing studies on him, where they would have him read while teachers were behind glass. It was the weird glass in the movies. haha! The glass where they could see him but he couldn't see them. Haha! Afterwards, they would give him Yu-Gi-Oh cards. He told me later that he could see them. haha!
I decided to get him tested for dyslexia on my own. I have always been a skeptic, and would feel terrible if they label him when nothing is wrong. I paid an independent agency to test him, and they said that he was NOT dyslexic, and was highly intelligent. They also told me that it was "common" for the public school system to make learning problems up, since they get extra funding for each kid with special needs. That's when I decided to put him in a private christian academy. It was worth every penny.
When I moved, there wasn't a school that I felt was good enough/affordable, so I bought the Abeka Curriculum (friends recommended), and I was so happy that I did. It's accredited, affordable, and a great Christian curriculum. I'm happy that I was able to teach them math, reading, cursive, which most of their peers don't know, sciences, and had Bible study every morning. Their both in college and one just got accepted to Texas A&M's Physic's & Astronomy Department. Everything is nice and organized, and they grow up so fast. It was worth every minute of my time..