This is kind of a rant, but also to highlight the power-complex of Biden voters who think there are no consequences to their actions
---I was just about into bed at 11:30pm last night, when all of a sudden I hear lots of swearing and yelling outside my window in the street. I open my window and hear some cuckold dude freaking out, yelling, swearing, something about our town's mayor, something about how he hates "all y'all/fuck all y'all" and "you aren't gonna suppress MY VOICE!"
---Needless to say I was not amused and very annoyed. I yelled out the window "You need JESUS!" The dude was not pleased that somebody was holding his screaming accountable. He yells back "What's that bitch? You dumb bitch! You ain't NOBODY!" He said these phrases A LOT. (I don't really know this guy, he doesn't know me, he just lives in a trailer house across the street from me. And I've seen him act out once before on his wife and 2 young kids. He's a total psycho.) This back-and-forth went on for a while, he kept saying the same things over and over and over (a sign of stupidity, since dumb idiots can't think of more than 3 phrases), and he almost came onto my property to harass and threaten me. He said, "I know where you live bitch!" Yeah, well I know where you live too so...
---I also screamed, "Somebody's gonna call the police on you!" Because his screaming got the attention of other people and they yelled at him too, but not as long as me. And after nobody did he smugly yelled, "Where's your police now bitch?"
---I was getting pissed by now after hearing his ranting and toddler screams for about 1 hour, and after hearing his wife come outside, crying, trying to get him back inside and to calm down he just yells at her (kids inside are crying and screaming too) so I call the police.
---Dude keeps calling me "Karen" for yelling back at him, telling him to shut the f up, so I say "Goodnight Kevin! Goodnight sweetheart!" (Tried to kill him with kindness, he wasn't amused, and Kevin isn't his name, but it's the male equivalent of Karen). I eventually yell, "I bet you voted for Biden!" He yells back, "Ya bitch and I'm gonna yell 'cause it's my 1st Amendment RIGHT!" The absolute IRONY that he voted for Biden to protect his "1st Amendment right" to yell! I laughed so hard and loud that he heard and was very pissed off. I laughed even harder. I wished I had a clown horn so I could honk it out the window at the absolute clown world mentality.
---He kept going on, bitching about me not taking his shit, so I said, "How about you say something CLEVER!" Oh son, that actually shut him up and confused him for about half a minute, then he replied, "Fuck you bitch!" Yeah, what an ingenious comeback. The only words this guy knew were "fuck" "bitch" "ya understand?" and "Karen" like he just discovered the word that day.
---A policeman on patrol in his squad car eventually shows up, confronts him on the street, and as soon as this cuck realizes that his actions have consequences and he's not going to get away with it he acts the victim. He starts pleading with the cop, saying "I've got 2 kids, 1 on the way, my wife's pregnant, I live in a trailer, I've had a bad life man!" Maybe you should've thought about that before you started a screaming-into-the-void contest outside. Turns out he'd been to the bar, had quite a few drinks, talked to the mayor's daughter who he used to know and I guess she said something he didn't like so he stormed out and started his cussing tirade outside his house, and also verbally took it out on his wife and kids. He was still really loud while talking to the cop so I heard every word. He said, "Is there a decibel limit to my 1st Amendment rights? I can talk as loud as I want, when I want, where I want! I'm screaming because that Karen over there was harassing ME!" THE IRONY, THE HYPOCRISY. Good lord I wanted to storm out right then and there and slap this fool. Thankfully the policeman knew what this guy said wasn't the case because this guy was obviously intoxicated and crazy and the cop told him if he didn't quiet down and go back inside that he would be arrested.
---The guy finally realized he wasn't the one in charge and pleaded that he would go back inside and stay quiet. Thankfully he did. But the SHEER hypocrisy of Biden voters like him who think they're on top of the world and in charge of everything is so infuriating. Next time I won't wait so long to call the cops and I won't even yell back, it's not worth the headache.
TLDR: Weird Biden-voting neighbor has a meltdown on the street in the middle of the night because of personal issues and was intoxicated. I yell at him, he yells at me, I eventually yell "I bet you voted for Biden!" and he yells "Ya bitch and I'm gonna yell 'cause it's my 1st Amendment RIGHT!" The IRONY that he voted for Biden to protect his 1st Amendment rights is beyond comprehension. I called the police, they told him to shut up or be arrested, he eventually went back inside to stew in his own cuckold. Good fucking riddance.
'fraid not.